Three Voices

If we listen carefully to those around us, we will learn to distinguish three voices, or influences, which direct the thinking, attitudes and actions of us all. We can hear them at our work, in our homes, and in the quietness of our moments alone.

Fear (the first voice) disguises itself as “being safe,” as “practical,” “conservative,” “cautious,” or “reasonable.” Look for the motive behind the disguise.

Fear is a demanding master, never able to be satisfied. It disdains any voice but its own.

Fantasy (the second voice) disguises itself as “visionary,” as “progressive,” “imaginative,” or “creative.” Look for the motive behind the disguise.

Fantasy is a demanding master, never able to be satisfied. It, too, disdains any voice but its own. Both of these voices claim to be spiritual and wise. But both of these voices reveal an obsession with personal agendas. Both demand that all others see things from their perspective. Both deny that God may have a desirable goal beyond their view.

Faith is the third voice.

Faith reminds us that this is God’s world, that He is always with us, that He works with us and in spite of us, and that He will complete the wonderful work He began in spite of what it may look like to us today!

Faith lives based on what God has done and said.

And Faith lives in trust that God does break into our situations with power and resources and vision and peace beyond what we can presently imagine! All three voices will call to you today.

Only Faith offers life. May we govern our personal decisions through the voice of Faith.

1 comment:

rightymo said...

What a blessing your post was to me,thank you for the thoughts.