My husband is loosing his job_ God's at work again :o)

God's at work again :o) My husband just called me upset that the car dealership he works at just announced that they are closing their doors. Wednesday December 2, is their last day. As you can imagine, my husband isn't very happy. We are buying a van through them and owe money on it still. We are concerned that they will take his entire last check. Sales have already been slow so our finances have been hit hard. When we moved across the country we sold just about everything we had to help pay for the move so we're really tapped out.

However, we aren't scared. I have peace in Jesus. I know that He loves me and my family. We moved to Idaho from Texas with NO job--on faith alone. Everyone we knew thought we had lost our minds but we knew that God had opened the doors for us way up in Idaho. We closed our eyes and trusted in Him. He didn't fail us!

I'm not going to lie. I'm sad about not being able to buy Christmas presents for our daughters. I know that somehow, someway God will provide presents. My husband told me on the phone that he was so sad because he knew that there would be a lot of people out of jobs. I told him to be strong for them-to show them God's love. People need to literally see God's love in us--esp. in hard times. How we handle crisis and hardships is a perfect time to show people just how much love God is.

It's one thing to say we have faith in God... it's a whole other ball game to really live that! God will reward you. I am excited to see what God's doing in our lives again! I couldn't stand my husband's job. lol I am praying that somehow... he puts him in a job that is more secure.

It's time that Christians share the miracles God has done in our lives. It's time we don't just say we have faith .. it's time we prove it.

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