Ministry127 and Graphics

I have mentioned Ministry127 here a few times, and they are a great resource to share. One of the things I like best about Lancaster, is that they freely share their online resources (a belief I share). They allow you to repost and use almost everything you find at Ministry127. If you are not familiar with it, it is a ministry of helps from Lancaster Baptist Church (West Coast Baptist College), with Pastor Paul Chappell.

An area of I appreciate is their graphics work section. They provide these images for powerpoints, blogs, pictures for your church bulletin - really anywhere you want to use them. I have even used them as backgrounds for verses for my facebook page, and I have seen a number of tracts designed using them. To get right to the graphics, click here: Here are some recent examples:

One nice feature, is that they also upload blank graphics, so you can customize with your own text.


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