You may notice a new look today on my IFB KJV blogs. I updated all the templates using the new custom ones available. They are really nice, and it was easier than I thought. What I think I like the best is being able to customize your column widths. It might take up to two days for everything to function as it used to. Please let me know if anything looks "off" to you with a comment below.
I also finally purchased a domain (all my blogs used to cost me nothing but time). Through Blogger it was ten dollars a year.
The new domain is IFBKJV.com which brings you to this blog roll. Don't worry, the old address will continue to point here as well.
There were six blogs of the 91 that did not resolve - the url was dead. If your blog is missing, please email me! water05201 at hotmail dot com. THANKS!
note: Only the 25 most recently updated blogs show at first on the sidebar. To see snippets from them all click "show all" at the bottom of the list.
$10 a year for a domain? I've never looked into that before, that seems pretty cheap! Where did you buy it? If you check out my blog you'll see I'm a self starter KJVO writer who just finished a book. My wife has a couple of music CDs too. I'd like so investigate getting my own domain, can you point me in a good direction? Thanks.
Thanks! Have you considered joining this blog roll? I hope you do. :) The ten dollar domain is through Blogger (go to Setttings>Publishing>Switch to a Custom Domain. GoDaddy has cheap domains too (.coms are about nine bucks a year), and actually Blogger uses Go Daddy when they buy the domain for you. It makes it easy to switch the domain over to your blog using blogger tho. One click...done.
How did you get the twitter, facebook, etc tabs at the bottom of the blog? I saw the option and clicked yes, but then something glitched and it did not happen.
Do you mean at the bottom of each post? It's a new option from Blogger - just go into your design area where you pick if you want tags/comments/date/author etc to show and it should be one of the last options to pick from. I don't know when they added it - I noticed it about two weeks ago.
ps. it's a really nice feature - it even shortens the url for you automatically for twitter. I like how the image "colors" when you mouse over it. Never had it glitch before.
Found out today switching templetes erases all your meta tag html code, so don't forget to add it back!
Oh, my -- I remember when I put in those meta tags. One of those "need to know" moments that I have since forgotten!! I'll have to spend a morning researching and fixing, for my template provider wiped stuff off the internet and I started with a blogger template. Thanks for the reminder!!!
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