Pastor, Have You Heard About Tom Meador...

The Working Pastor is delighted to introduce a fine veteran missionary named Tom Meador. Brother Meador and his wife Cheryl are a blessing to my family in a personal way. Brother Tom was saved in 1974 and left for Greece as a missionary in July of 1985. They are members of and sent out of Gospel Light Baptist Church of Walkertown, North Carolina where Dr. Bobby Roberson is the pastor.

There are many people who have left the ministry due to health reasons, and rightly so in many cases. However, the Meador family, in spite of Cheryl's illness, and car accident, have managed to keep on the firing line!!! This family has been Stateside since November of 2004, but has been sharing the gospel with Greeks WORLDWIDE through his printing of Gospel Tracts and his publication. Praise The Lord! God has a way of working through seeming misfortunes beyond our comprehension!

An Excerpt From His Testimony...

"I did not want to move back to America, but the Lord kept speaking to my heart about it and convinced me through prayer...  I believe the most important issue for any Christian is the WILL OF GOD!  The Lord brought us back in November, 2004 and our ministry has expanded ever since!  I send out our publications, ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟ-ΦΩΣ & EVANGELIO-FOS, all across Greece to Australia, Canada, and to Greeks in every state in the U.S.A.  I also publish Gospel tracts and booklets in both languages and send them freely in bulk to Greek Gospel workers all around the world.  Just the other day, a Greek woman wrote to me from Sydney Australia who was saved after reading our paper.  I contacted a Greek Baptist pastor there by email. Another precious soul just on the outskirts of Athens also….  It’s amazing how the Lord has a way of working things out.  I’m thankful God allowed us to go to Greece for almost 20 years and yet brought us back, increasing our Gospel outreach from a place where we can be near these great doctors for my wife." Bro. Tom Meador

Below is a list of important links that every pastor should investigate about Tom Meador. 

Brother Tom's Testimony

August 2010 Prayer Letter

Booklets That Tom Publishes

Recent Publication

Contact Missionary Tom Meador Via Email:

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