Is It Just Me?

Did I miss something? Did someone hijack the United States of America, and the media forgot to tell us? More than likely, the Lord is just allowing us to realize the consequences of our apathy.

Congress has refused to define "sexual orientation" in the "Hate Crimes" bill, and now America is preparing to give special protection status to pedophiles (as well as various other sexual perversions, including Sodomy)!

This horrible bill has already passed in the House, and the Senate will vote on it today. Please call your senators and ask them to vote against Bill S.909!


GraceFromHim said...

We are in end times, may we all stand up on what we hold to be TRUE! The time is here, let's stand firm on God's Word! There is to much apathy in Christianity today!!!

The Swamp Fox said...

The United States have been in bad shape for a long time, we just haven't been paying attention.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we have been in bad shape, but protecting pedophiles floored me!