Psa. 119: 105-112

“My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law.” (v. 109)

Temptation is probably the greatest bane we face in life today. When it is ever before us, and constantly around us, is when it is the strongest, and we, the weakest. David mentions here that, in spite of death threats, and degradation, and famine and various trials, he managed to remember what was right to do, and honored it. We need to realize from this that when trials come, and temptations abound, we have a decision to make, and our very soul could depend on which way we go! Once we are saved, we can still afflict our soul with problems because of wrong decisions in our life, but if we remain faithful to the Lord we will always come out on top. Yes, in a sense, we too can say “My soul is continually in my hand” and it is up to me which way I go, and up to you which way you go. Our destiny is in our hands, will we forget God’s laws?

We need to be aware of God’s eternal presence, and be mindful of Him, (or have our mind full of Him), in order to even approach unto this position. What hope have we without His eternal presence, and our awareness of it? We must keep our minds on Christ all day, every moment, and in every way. This may not be as hard as we think. We can praise the Lord in song for a time, then spend some time witnessing for Him; we can read His Word for awhile, then we can spend some time in prayer; we can then meditate on scripture, and commit it to memory; we can look for those who need help, and give them a helping hand; we can listen to good gospel music, and take some time to thank God for all His blessings, and we can do all this while doing other things, as we go about our way! We could even spend a little time studying the Word of God and looking for great Truths. Our souls may be in our hands, in a way, as we plan our lives, and walk through this life, so when the trials come, let us be prepared by the Bible to face whatever may come our way, and not forget God’s law. Whenever temptations come our way, and they will come, we must decide if we are going to follow their lead, or do right. No one can make that decision for us, and no one will answer for it for us.

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